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Gale provides useful resources for Early Modern history research and education. Click to explore primary source collections, journals, and other publications.
Research shows that databases like Gale In Context enhance teacher effectiveness and student engagement. Click to download the white paper.
Gale provides useful resources for 19th century history research and education. Click to explore primary source collections, journals, and other publications.
The ACLU’s role in Brown v. Board of Education During Black History Month, we remember monumental events that have profoundly changed the United States and impacted the lives of many Americans. One key event in American history is the Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954. In this Supreme Court case, public schools were ordered desegregated in a unanimous verdict. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) played an important role in Brown v. Board of Education, ensuring that “separate but equal” would no longer apply to educational facilities. Though public education was not fully desegregated by the decision, it began a series of legal victories for the burgeoning civil rights movement and defined constitutional support for racial equality.
Gale provides useful resources for topics related to Native American history. Explore primary sources, articles, & other publications.
Learn more about how we increase access of Gale resources through library discovery services, the open web and in the classroom.
Learn more about how we increase access of Gale resources through library discovery services, the open web and in the classroom.
The ACLU’s role in Brown v. Board of Education During Black History Month, we remember monumental events that have profoundly changed the United States and impacted the lives of many Americans. One key event in American history is the Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954. In this Supreme Court case, public schools were ordered desegregated in a unanimous verdict. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) played an important role in Brown v. Board of Education, ensuring that “separate but equal” would no longer apply to educational facilities. Though public education was not fully desegregated by the decision, it began a series of legal victories for the burgeoning civil rights movement and defined constitutional support for racial equality.
Gale's Professional Development Collection includes eBooks from experts on professional development for teachers and school librarians. Click to explore.
Learn more about how we increase access of Gale resources through library discovery services, the open web and in the classroom.
Fill the gaps in your collection and move equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiatives forward with digital resources that provide a historical perspective on significant topics, like sexuality and gender, civil rights, and women’s studies.
Be an advocate for local new and established businesses by providing the tools they need to be successful. Explore small business and legal resources.
This collection from the American Antiquarian Society features 18th and 19th century North American periodicals and magazines. Click to learn more.
Gale provides useful resources for wellness research and education. Click to explore articles, eBooks, literature and other publications.
Gale's Professional Development Collection includes eBooks from experts on professional development for teachers and school librarians. Click to explore.