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Click on the tabs below to guide your initial search. Use filters to expand or scale down the results for each category.
The Formation of the UAE: State-Building and Arab Nationalism in the Middle East
Great Events from History: Women's History
Jesse Owens: A Life in American History
Booker T. Washington: A Life in American History
The Encyclopedia of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse
Zora Neale Hurston: A Life in American History
Boys Don't Try? Rethinking Masculinity in Schools
Returning People to the Moon After Apollo: Will It Be Another Fifty Years?
The Business and Culture of Sports: Society, Politics, Economy, Environment
A Look at US History: The French and Indian War
Power and Religion in Medieval and Renaissance Times: The End of the Middle Ages
Entrepreneurship: The Intercept Way
The British Empire: A Historical Encyclopedia
Leaders Made Here: Building a Leadership Culture
Defying Convention: Women Who Changed the Rules: Women Political Leaders
Principles of Business: Entrepreneurship
A Political and Diplomatic History of the Modern World: The Post-Cold War World