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Click on the tabs below to guide your initial search. Use filters to expand or scale down the results for each category.
Fast Food Workshop: Building a Menu of Quick Dishes
Bread Workshop: Creating Yeast Doughs & Quick Breads
Catering Workshop: Feeding a Hungry Crowd
Farm to Fork Workshop: Making the Most of Local Foods
Pastry Workshop: Mastering Buttery Crusts & Doughs
Frosting & Icing Workshop: Decorating Desserts
Sonia Sotomayor: First Latina to Serve on the Supreme Court
Deb Haaland: U.S. Interior Secretary
Winona LaDuke: Activist, Economist, and Author
MMA: Ferocious Fighting Styles
William Shakespeare's King Lear
Designing with Textiles: DIY Fabric & Fiber Projects