Transform Your Professional Learning Community

What happens when educators harness the power of collaboration and continued learning? Student success skyrockets.

In the latest District Administration Ed Talk, Char Shryock, an educational leadership consultant with more than 30 years of experience as an educator, instructional leader, and administrator, shares her insights for building professional learning communities (PLCs) that drive student achievement. Her talk, Accelerate Learning by Transforming PLCs into “Powerful Learning Collectives,” covers how to create a collaborative educator environment, share instructional strategies, and choose effective resources.

Missed the webinar? Watch the recording here:



Connect PLCs to Essential Digital Solutions

Gale In Context: For Educators

Give educators a powerful tool that makes curriculum planning, engaging students, and collaborating with colleagues easier. Gale In Context: For Educators brings educators high-quality, multidisciplinary instructional content for grades K–12 and the tools they need to share course content, lesson plans, and assessments between individuals, departments, and schools in your district. Seamless collaboration ensures quality learning experiences for all students and continuity of instruction among new teachers, veteran educators, and substitutes.


Gale eBooks: Professional Learning Themed Collections

Provide new and seasoned educators with actionable strategies to overcome everyday challenges and grow in their careers. Find effective professional development solutions in Gale eBooks: Professional Learning themed collections. These curated eBook collections address relevant educator challenges like new teacher support, teacher burnout, student behavior issues, and closing learning gaps. Plus, Gale eBooks offers unlimited, simultaneous access for every teacher in your learning community. 

Ready to learn more about how you can equip powerful learning collectives in your school community with award-winning digital solutions? Submit the form below to connect with a Gale rep.

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