According to a Project Tomorrow® study, 92 percent of the district administrators surveyed believed that the effective use of technology in the classroom leads to greater student success.2 This was accelerated as educators rebuilt education during the pandemic with the implementations of new digital learning resources, tools for social-emotional development, and more. Yet 45 percent of teachers spend 4‒10 hours a week searching for digital lesson plan materials.3
Recognizing the importance of instruction, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act provides federal funding to primary and secondary education, with funds specifically authorized for professional development, instructional materials, and supporting educational programs. As districts develop strategic plans around the best options for these funds, they should think both short and long term. The funding is significant enough, and available over two or three fiscal years, which means that it could be part of a long-term strategy that incorporates innovative teaching and learning solutions that are efficient and effective.
Understanding the challenges educators face today, the need for on-demand training and support has never been greater. Building on the foundation of Gale In Context student databases, Gale In Context: For Educators merges quality, standards-aligned content with related lesson plans and instructional tools, including tools for educator collaboration across any distance. It features a Learning Center to help educators self-teach virtual lesson planning and online teaching skills.
With this one award-winning resource, all school educators have a specialized tool kit to find and personalize digital learning content, plan educational activities that work well for remote or in-person environments, and provide equitable services for all students.
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