Information has the power to connect people and advance opportunities for research and discovery. When you subscribe to Gale databases, your institution is connecting users to credible, timely content. Our wide range of subscription databases gives users access to authoritative content that's designed for every learning need—from instructional tools for teachers and highly sought-after journals for academics to adult learning opportunities. 

Find the subscription(s) that fit your institution best.  

Notable Subscription Databases

Academic Institutions

Research databases are key sources of information for every college or university library. Whether completing a dissertation or working on a first-year humanities project, your institution will benefit from providing access to scholarly, full-text content from these popular academic subscriptions.

School Educators

Because student success begins with educator success, we provide digital instructional materials that make it easier for teachers to meet students where they are, while educators themselves experience professional growth and prioritize their own self-care. Today, this includes helping districts maximize Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds while supporting everything from unfinished learning and social and emotional learning to prioritizing equity and inclusion goals. The following are top subscription databases that K-12 students and educators can access in the classroom, library, or at home. 

Public Libraries

Library subscription databases give patrons of all ages a direct path to learning. We offer a wide range of public library databases you can subscribe to. If your institution is searching for ways to support learners at every phase of life, from workforce development and entrepreneurship to kindergarten readiness, you'll find it here. 

How to Subscribe

Find out if you currently have access to Gale’s online learning resources through your public, school, district, or statewide library. If not, request a trial here or contact your Gale representative directly. Let us know your institutions’ strategic priorities, and we'll connect you with trial access to aligned subscription and/or demand solutions.