Our Format

Books Still Similar in Size

Large print is to the right of the standard edition. Compared to large print from years past, these books are surprisingly lightweight.

Look at the Difference Inside

See the difference with this font comparison. Thorndike Press large print books are completely unabridged and printed on a high-opacity paper.

Benefits Aligned to Use Cases

Large print might be the most powerful yet most underutilized tool on your shelf. Sure, it’s a bigger font size—but it doesn’t stop there. Large print books help with decoding, fluency, tracking, and comprehension. Like people who have an affinity toward audiobooks and eBooks, there are many readers who love large print. It has been proven to be an effective literacy intervention tool, a much-needed escape from digital eye fatigue, and an easy-to-read format for anyone.

Reading Motivator

People are busy, stressed, and everything in between. Reading can provide an escape. Because large print has fewer words per page, readers can typically flip through the pages faster. That helps keep a reader’s attention, even if they’re someone who normally just can’t “get into” reading. It may help them finish a book for the first time in years because they feel more accomplished. 

Literacy Intervention Tool

If your public library’s adult literacy programming doesn’t include large print, your community could be missing out. Not only can many titles cross over from young adult (YA) shelves to adult readers’ hands, but the same benefits that support YA with literacy issues apply to adults as well. The combination of a larger font and increased white space on a page helps with letter and word recognition by forcing the eye to move more slowly, and helps readers avoid skipping or rereading lines.1

Helpful to ESL/ESL Learners

Have you taken the diversity of your community into account? English language learners (ELLs) make up 40 percent of the nation’s adult education population served.² That’s a number that deserves attention. Especially when you consider the majority of English as a second language (ESL) learners are between 25 and 44 years old.3 A large print collection can complement your library’s ELL and ESL services. It promotes reading fluency and comprehension, and is a format that can help your library meet the literacy needs of this growing population.

Alternative to Digital Devices

During the height of the pandemic, many people felt like they were glued to their computer screen. The way we view a computer or digital screen is different than the way we read a printed page. The letters on a computer or handheld device may not be as sharply defined. There may be more glare on the screen and less contrast between the words and the background.4

Research shows that between 50 and 90 percent of the people who work on a computer have some symptoms of computer vision syndrome (CVS).5 As the amount of time spent in front of the screen increases, so does the likelihood of CVS, or digital eye strain, as it is commonly known.6 Large print as an alternative format can offer a much-needed break for those who spend a great deal of their day on a digital device.

Leisure-Time Option

Regardless of age or ability, there are those who choose large print for the ease of simply sitting down with a good book. Maybe that’s a harried mom, a college student who needs an escape, or a career professional who has just 30 minutes at the end of a day to decompress. Large print supports anyone who wants a break from screen time—and can even help keep readers engaged and awake.

Helpful for Parents and Grandparents

Sure, it’s important that young readers feel supported, but it doesn’t stop there. Make the experience of reading less of a chore and more enjoyable for a variety of readers. Recommend large print, and ask your patrons about their experience using it.

Ideal for Senior Citizens

It’s no secret that white space and bigger fonts make sense for seniors or anyone who is visually impaired, but the benefits don’t stop there. Encouraging seniors to keep reading can promote positive outcomes, such as improving cognitive function.7

What Makes Thorndike Press Different?

Expert Curation

Titles include bestselling authors, New York Times bestsellers, and picks from Reese’s Book Club, Oprah’s Book Club, Indie Next, and more.

100% Binding Guarantee

Hardcovers are library bound and made to last. Plus, shipping is free. Some titles feature modified cover art, while many look the same as the original.

Standing Order Plans

Competitive pricing and automatic shipments save time and money. And many include simultaneous publications over a wide age range.

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Thorndike Press offers bestsellers and bestselling authors—from fiction genres, like romance, mystery, thriller, and westerns, to nonfiction subgenres, such as biography, history, and lifestyle. Many are available in standing orders. Bring your collection front and center literally and figuratively for a wide range of patrons.

1. Gordon E. Legge and Charles A. Bigelow, “Does Print Size Matter for Reading? A Review of Findings from Vision Science and Typography,” Journal of Vision 11, no. 8. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, August 2011.
2. Silver-Pacuilla, Heidi, Get the Facts on Adult English Language Programs,” U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, June 20, 2013.
3. See note 2.                                                                                                                                                                                            
4. American Optometric Association. “Computer Vision Syndrome.” Accessed May 20, 2021.
5. Kaur, Tavleen, “Computer Vision Syndrome during COVID-19: Eye Fatigue and How to Counter It,” The Ubyssey, November 11, 2020.
6. See note 5.
7. Freund, Linda, “Reading Improves Memory and Helps Prevent Dementia,” Being Patient, May 13, 2019