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British Library Newspapers: Part III: 1741–1950
Part III adds even more regional and local depth to the British Library Newspaper series, encompassing powerful provincial news journals, local interest publications, and specialist titles.
British Library Newspapers: Part I: 1800–1900
This collection contains 47 regional and local newspapers that illuminate diverse and distinct regional attitudes, cultures, and vernaculars, providing an alternative viewpoint to the London-centric national press.
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Newspapers Collection
The largest single collection of English news media from these two centuries, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Newspapers Collection provides rare and often unique content for scholarly research into a wide range of political, educational, economic, or journalistic study.
Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals Part II: Empire
Expanding beyond the UK borders, Part II explores Britain's empire-building throughout the nineteenth century through the complete runs of 91 periodicals from its colonies, covering the public response to the abolition of the slave trade, the First Opium War, Queen Victoria's assumption of the title of Empress of India, and the "Scramble for Africa". It is an invaluable resource for students and researchers with British colonial and post-colonial interests.
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Newspapers Collection, Part II
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Newspapers Collection, Part II completes the digitisation of the original Burney collection and expands coverage to additional titles and issues contemporaneous with Burney. With more than 40,000 pages, this collection complements Part I to provide researchers with a compendium of news media to study British history and culture at crucial periods in the nation’s development as a world power.
British Library Newspapers: Part IV: 1732–1950
Part IV grows the series by adding 23 publications (nearly 1.4 million pages) from across the United Kingdom and Ireland to reflect the social, political, and cultural events of the times.
大英図書館所蔵 英国新聞コレクションの第7部では、19世紀初頭から20世紀後半までの約170年間に東南アジアで発行された英字新聞36紙を収録します。
British Library Newspapers: Part II: 1800–1900
This collection contains 22 regional and local newspapers that widen the geographic and political range of the British Library Newspapers series.
British Library Newspapers: Part V: 1746–1950
British Library Newspapers, Part V: 1746–1950 adds even more regional and local depth to the British Library Newspaper series, featuring regional and local viewpoints especially from the northern part of the United Kingdom.
British Library Newspapers: Part VI: Ireland, 1783-1950
Providing the Irish perspective, these newspapers build on the British Library Newspapers series and provide a valuable counterpoint to the major UK daily newspapers. Researchers can explore and analyze the build-up to, occurrence, and aftermath of the events that shaped modern Ireland.
Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals Part I: Women's, Children's, Humour, and Leisure
This collection provides insight into the evolving life of British culture, where reading for leisure, women's rights, children's entertainment, and sports grew as publishing expanded. This resource provides students, researchers, and enthusiasts with unprecedented online access to what people were reading, how they were living, and what was influencing their lives during the Victorian era.
Newspapers of the French Revolution of 1848
An essential resource for understanding modern European history, Newspapers Of The French Revolution Of 1848 captures the British Library's holdings of all newspaper and periodical titles published in France during this period of social and political upheaval.
Archives Unbound presents topically-focused digital collections of historical documents that support the research and study needs of scholars and students at the college and university level.
Crime, Punishment, and Popular Culture, 1790–1920
With 2.1 million pages of trial transcripts, police and forensic reports, detective novels, newspaper accounts, true crime literature, and related ephemera, this collection presents the broadest and deepest collection of materials supporting the study of nineteenth-century criminal history, law, literature, and justice. This quintessential resource enhances understanding of the intersection of law and society during a pivotal era of social change.
Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture
Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture presents a dramatic, gripping chronicle of exploration and missions from the early nineteenth century through the Conference of Berlin in 1884 and the subsequent scramble for Africa. Unique sources provide a wealth of research topics on explorers, politicians, evangelists, journalists, and tycoons blinded by romantic nationalism or caught up in the competition for markets and converts. These monographs, manuscripts, and newspapers cover key issues of economics, world politics, and international strategy.
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Nichols Newspapers Collection
Through a partnership with the Bodleian Library, Gale has digitally scanned each page of this collection, and with Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Nichols Newspapers Collection brings these rare documents to scholars around the world in an easy-to-use, full-text searchable digital format.
Political Extremism and Radicalism: Global Communist and Socialist Movements
Political Extremism and Radicalism, Part III: Global Communist and Socialist Movements contains c. 890, 000 pages of documents focusing on left-wing thinking so researchers can explore political ideologies such as Marxism-Leninism, Maoism, Trotskyism, and anarchism across different countries, as well as the world's response to the Russian Revolution, the rise of the Soviet Union, and the Red Scare.
The American Civil War: The International Context
The American Civil War: The International Context demonstrates the involvement of European nations in the American Civil War, including their internal discussions, reactions to approaches from Unionists and Confederates, the challenges and advantages the American conflict brought, and its impact on politics and society.
Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Children's Literature and Childhood
Researchers can find a wealth of children's literature texts from around the world with Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Children's Literature and Childhood. This collection documents the changing construction of childhood, the growing popularity of children's literature, and the legal and sociological context for both. This collection opens an array of compelling subjects for research and teaching, making it a rich resource for many academic disciplines and areas of study.
Sunday Times Historical Archive, 1822–2021*
Since 1822, the Sunday Times has provided thoughtful analysis and commentary on the week's global news and society at large. World famous for its cutting-edge investigative journalism, the newspaper broke many of the key stories of the twentieth century. In more than 600,000 full-text searchable pages, this digital collection is a gateway to the greatest crimes, careers, and culture of the last 180 years.