Empires in the Middle Ages: The Mongol Empire
Cause & Effect: Ancient Civilizations: Ancient China
Cause & Effect: Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Rome
Debating History: Debates on the Slave Trade
Primary Sources of Colonial America: Plymouth and the Settlement of New England
Empires in the Middle Ages: The Holy Roman Empire
American History: The American Revolution: Fighting for Independence
The American Revolution: Documents Decoded
Hidden History: North America's First People
A Visual History of the World: A Visual History of the Great Civilizations
Essential Library of the Information Age: Information Literacy in the Digital Age
World History: The Inquisition: The Quest for Absolute Religious Power
Future Ready Project Skills: Future Ready Internet Research Skills
Library of Greek Mythology: Gods and Goddesses in Greek Mythology
Future Ready Project Skills: Future Ready Oral and Multimedia Presentations
American History: Native Americans in Early North America
Worldmark Encyclopedia of the States
Primary Sources of the Abolitionist Movement: Legal Debates of the Antislavery Movement
Hitting the Books: Skills for Reading, Writing, and Research: Writing an Informational Essay
Primary Sources of the Abolitionist Movement: John Brown and Armed Resistance to Slavery