Contagious Diseases Sourcebook
Zika Virus: From Origin to Outbreak
Great Discoveries in Science: The Germ Theory of Disease
Salem Health: Magill's Medical Guide
Disaster Epidemiology: Methods and Applications
Viewpoints on Modern World History: AIDS and Other Killer Viruses and Pandemics
The Building Blocks of Life: Examining Viruses and Bacteria
Encyclopedia of Public Health: Principles, People, and Programs
Environmental Health in the 21st Century: From Air Pollution to Zoonotic Diseases
Surviving the Impossible: Surviving a Killer Virus
Diseases and Disorders: The Zika Virus
Great Discoveries in Science: Vaccination
World History: The Black Death: Bubonic Plague Attacks Europe
Special Reports, Set 2: The Zika Virus
Moffet's Pediatric Infectious Diseases: A Problem-Oriented Approach
Deadliest Diseases of All Time: Ebola
Doomed!: Plague: The Black Death