Treaties with American Indians
Britannica Beginner Bios IV: Frederick Douglass: Abolitionist and Fighter for Equality
Narrative Nonfiction: Kids in War: John Cook's Civil War Story
Primary Sources of Colonial America: Slavery in Colonial America
US Supreme Court Landmark Cases: Slavery and Citizenship: The Dred Scott Case
Military Technologies: Technology During the Civil War
American History: The Civil War: A Nation Divided
Let's Find Out! Primary Sources: The Emancipation Proclamation
American History: Slavery in North America
Hidden History: Slavery at Mount Vernon
The Civil War and Reconstruction Eras
History of American Indians: Exploring Diverse Roots
Colonial People: The Colonial Slave Family
Tech in the Trenches: Strategic Inventions of the Civil War
Defining Moments: Reconstruction
Frontline Families: The Civil War: Frontline Soldiers and Their Families
The Jim Crow Laws and Racism in United States History