Gain Valuable Insights about your Community
The Marketing Action (For Non-Patrons) app provides custom lists of household addresses based on demographic and lifestyle criteria of potential new cardholders in your community. Reach out to potential new cardholders via mail with messages tailored to their demographics, lifestyle and interests.First, run the analysis to customize your targets based on Experian's Mosaic consumer segments, household income ranges, presence of children, technology use, and other demographic insight. Next, upload the analysis file to export your outreach list of household addresses for mailings. You can all see your non-hard holders on a map, which can help when planning community outreach activities.
The maximum number of new addresses obtained over the course of the subscription varies based on the population served.
Look Inside
Platform Features & Tools
Mosaic® Lifestyle Segmentation
Understand patron data with household-based segmentation from Experian, which classifies all U.S. household neighborhoods into 71 unique profiles.
Bonus Marketing Apps
With the purchase of any Analytics On Demand app, you have access to several free apps, including Twitter Tracker, Word Cloud Generator, and profiling for Google AdWords.
On-Demand Reporting
Make your data visual with charts, maps, and graphs on customized reports available in PDF, Excel, and other formats.