China and the Modern World: Regional China and the West, 1759–1972
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中国近現代史シリーズ 第9集では近現代中国と西洋諸国の外交関係をさらに掘り下げる文書を提供すべく、「条約港と西洋世界 1759–1972年」として、中国各地の英国領事館と北京公使館の文書群を中心に提供します。
第9集では、地方の英国領事館と北京公使館の文書群を中心に提供します。具体的には、天津、寧波、厦門、漢口、青島、大沽、鎮江、福州、宜昌、温州、牛荘(営口)、芝罘(煙台)、済南、成都、昆明、澳門(マカオ)、広州、台湾、淡水の領事館文書、外務省領事局文書、チベットとモンゴルに関する機密文書、中国駐在大使館・公使館文書、北京駐在公使館文書、貿易監督官ヘンリー・ポティンジャー(Henry Pottinger)関係文書、北京駐在公使ジョン・ジョーダン(John Newell Jordan)関係文書、外務次官エドマンド・ハモンド(Edmund Hammond)関係文書等、1830年代から1950年代までの約120年間にわたる約40万ページの文書群です。
- FO 230 Foreign Office: Consulates and Legation, China: Letter Books. [1834-1917](71点)
- FO 350 Jordan Papers. [1909-1919](19点)
- FO 369 Foreign Office: Consular Department: General Correspondence from 1906. [1906-1964](688点)
- FO 385 Foreign Office: Consulate, Chinkiang, China: General Correspondence. [1871-1935](21点)
- FO 386 Chinkiang: Registers of Correspondence [1871-1927](17点)
- FO 387 Chinkiang: Miscellanea [1865-1927](11点)
- FO 391 Hammond Papers. [1854-1873](17点)
- FO 535 Foreign Office: Confidential Print Tibet and Mongolia. [1903-1923](27点)
- FO 562 Foreign Office: Consulate and Legation, Peking, China: General Correspondence. [1902-50](18点)
- FO 563 Foreign Office: Legation, Peking, China: Miscellanea. [1905-31](8点)
- FO 564 Foreign Office: Legation, Peking, China: Registers of Births, Deaths and Marriages. [1874-1926](14点)
- FO 663 Foreign Office: Consulate, Amoy, China: General Correspondence. [1834-1951](95点)
- FO 664 Foreign Office: Consulate, Chengtu, China: Various Registers. [1902-45](5点)
- FO 665 Foreign Office: Consulate, Foochow, China: General Correspondence and Various Registers. [1846-1946](10点)
- FO 666 Foreign Office: Consulates, Hankow and Hangchow, China: General Correspondence and Various Registers. [1865-1951](86点)
- FO 667 Foreign Office: Consulate, Ichang, China: General Correspondence and Various Registers. [1879-1941](5点)
- FO 668 Foreign Office: Consulate, Kunming, China: Various Registers and Lease Agreement. [1945-1951](2点)
- FO 669 Foreign Office: Consulate, Newchwang, China: General Correspondence. [1865-68](1点)
- FO 670 Foreign Office: Consulate, Ningpo, China: General Correspondence and Various Registers. [1843-1933](254点)
- FO 673 Taku Consulate: General Correspondence and Various Registers [1862-1876](12点)
- FO 674 Foreign Office: Consulate, Tientsin, China: General Correspondence, Various Registers and Supreme Court Records. [1860-1952](342点)
- FO 675 Tsingtao Consulate: General Correspondence and Various Registers [1911-1951](18点)
- FO 676 Foreign Office and Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Various Embassies and Legations, China: General Correspondence, Series II. [1875-1972](141点)
- FO 677 Peking Legation: Superintendent of Trade, General Correspondence and Diaries](1759-1874](26点)
- FO 678 Foreign Office: Various Consulates, China: Deeds. [1837-1959](3,192点)
- FO 679 Foreign Office: Various Consulates, China: Registers of Deeds. [1853-1953](20点)
- FO 680 Foreign Office: Various Consulates, China: Land Registers. [1854-1942](51点)
- FO 681 Foreign Office: Various Consulates, China: Registers of Births, Deaths and Marriages. [1861-1951](64点)
- FO 692 Peking Consulate and Legation, Registers of Correspondence [1901-1947](6点)
- FO 693 Foreign Office: Chinanfu Consulate: Record Book [1907-1937](1点)
- FO 694 Foreign Office: Consulate, Canton, China: Miscellanea. [1844-51](2点)
- FO 697 Foreign Office: Consulate, Macao: General Correspondence. [1835-1886](2点)
- FO 705 Pottinger Papers. [1840-1851](47点)
- FO 721 Taiwan Consulate: Register of Deaths [1860-1941](1点)
- FO 735 Foreign Office: Consulate, Chefoo, China: Inventories. [1860-1941](7点)
- FO 763 Foreign Office: Consulate, Tamsui, Japan [now Taiwan]: General Correspondence and Registers of Correspondence. [1897-1939](23点)
- FO 851 Wenchow consulate: General Correspondence [1878-1906](6点)
- FO 965 Tamsui consulate (Taiwan): Various Papers [1947-1953](12点)
- Records of British Municipal Councils in Tientsin: Reports, Budgets, Minutes, Regulations, By-laws, and Photographs [1905-1926](8巻+地図1点+写真30点)
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