Deadliest Predators: Deadliest Reptiles
Why Do Animals...: Why Do Animals Look Like That?
Back from Near Extinction: California Condor
Animales comunes (Everyday Animals): Ardillas (Squirrels)
Animal Behaviors: Social Lives of Gorillas
Animal Behaviors: Social Lives of Pigs
Animales comunes (Everyday Animals): Mapaches (Raccoons)
Why Do Animals...: Why Do Animals Sound Like That?
Animal Behaviors: Social Lives of Elephants
Animal Behaviors: Social Lives of Lions
Animal Behaviors: Social Lives of Meerkats
Insects As...: Insects as Healers
Insects As...: Insects as Invaders
Let's Find Out! Marine Life: What Are Sea Plants and Algae?
Why Do Animals...: Why Do Animals Go There?
Real Monsters: Komodo Dragon: Toxic Lizard Titan
Why Do Animals...: Why Do Animals Sleep There?
Deadliest Predators: Deadliest Spiders
Real Monsters: Giant Centipede: Colossal Creeper of the Night