Why Do Animals...: Why Do Animals Smell Like That?
Back from Near Extinction: Giant Galapagos Tortoise
Keystone Species that Live in Grasslands
Wildlife at Risk: Endangered Rhinos
Shark Search: In Search of Bull Sharks
World's Weirdest Animals: Kakapos
World's Weirdest Animals: Coconut Crabs
Humans and Animals: A Geography of Coexistence
Solving Real World Problems with Agricultural Engineering
Great Minds of Science Set 2: Jane Goodall: Revolutionary Primatologist and Anthropologist
Rourke's World Of Science Encyclopedia: Animal Life
Saving the Endangered Green Sea Turtle
World's Weirdest Animals: Elephant Shrews
Animals of the Night: Big Cats After Dark
World's Weirdest Animals: Star-Nosed Moles